An amazing little bird that brought an immense amount of pleasure during this awful lockdown.
Sadly the last clip of both parents seen in the nest box feeding their offspring and looking after their wellbeing. Soon after the mother for whatever reason did not return.😢01/0620

First clip of Blue Tit
starting to build nest 26/04/20
Laying her first two eggs 02/05/20
her first two eggs 02/0520
Third egg being laid 04/05/20
Leaving the nest 04/05/20
Concealing the eggs (1) 040520
Concealing the eggs (2) 040520
Concealing the eggs (3) 040520
Concealing the eggs (4) 040520
Now 6 eggs, leaving the nest 5:30am 06/05/20
Now 7 eggs, male coming into feed her! 07/05/20
Now 8 eggs! 08/05/20
Still incubating and still getting fed from her partner. 18/05/20
First egg hatching, shell removed by mother 20/05/20
Feeding Time 24/05/20
Time to share a spider out! 24/o5/20
Breakfast 25/05/20

Great to see all 8 eggs hatched 25/05/20